Our BOxER of the month in April was Sian Griffin.
Sian has been a loyal member of BOx now for many years and we’ve watched her grow in confidence and fitness ability. It’s been a pleasure to be a part of Sian’s journey and the wonderful thing about our community is the opportunity for us to really engage with members and get an understanding of what’s going on with them; their highs and lows and helping them to adjust either to changes in their lives or just to push through tough periods, by escaping reality for 45 mins every week.
We are super proud to crown Sian our BOxER of the month and reward her for all her hard work and dedication all these years, as changes only come with persistence and drive.
Well done girl!
Read her story:
I’ve attempted going to gyms before, which I have never stuck to because I found them boring and hard to find motivation. BOx had a party many years ago, I was dragged along (I really didn’t want to go!!) But I did and got to see the Loughborough studio. I saw that it wasn’t just a gym, it was completely different.
I met Annie and Bo and they were so welcoming! My first class was BOxBEAT and I absolutely loved it. Straight away I brought a membership and haven’t looked back. Fast forward 5 years and I still love it, my favourite class being BOxRIDE with Annie. Recently I’ve lost around 2 stone thanks to exercise and a better diet.
Thank you BOx here’s to many more!